KOMETOSE At ease men. We have been given the task of destroying the Bremen Oil works. As you know, we have been attempting to take it out with B-17's. However, the Luftwaffe has been defending it with numerous flights of ME-163s. Our bombers have been unable to get through. It seems that some genius at TacFHQ has come up with the scheme of using low flying P-47s to do what the Big Boys can not. To give you enough fire-power to do the job, we are replacing your drop tanks with 2000 pounders. The slipstick boys assure me that if you spend a minimal time over target, you will have enough fuel to get back. Blue flight leader, you have also been outfitted with bazooka rockets. You are to take out the Bremen bridge on the way in. It is critical to the success of this mission that you DESTROY THAT BRIDGE. G2 is not really sure what the Jerries are up to here, but they say destroying the plant alone is insufficient. The most important target on the site itself is the large blockhouse at the end of the storage tanks as you fly over the river. It is critical to take out that building. Whatever secret work is going on is taking place there. You are then to turn around and strafe the refinery on your second pass. You are then IMMEDIATELY to return to base on a heading of 239. As you leave, if the rockets did not take out the bridge, use your .50s to finish the job. That's it boys--two passes and out. Stay on the deck on the way back. HQ tells us the Komet is helpless below 500', and that they won't bother you. Under no circumstances are you to mix it up with them; you don't have the fuel. Boys, I know what you think about this mission. I can only tell you that I have never seen the brass so spooked by a target. This is something big. Hit it fast, hit it hard, and get the hell outta there! If you make it back alive, there will be promotions all around.